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 About Us



Operations Manager & Founder- Isaiah Smith


Served 10 years in the Alabama and Georgia Army National Guard as a Light Infantry Officer. He deployed to Afghanistan where his Engineer platoon lead CMRE efforts for the retrograde of US forces while also improving and providing Force Protection for the Kabul Cluster in 2013/2014. He spent majority of his time in service as a Cavalry leader and held various positions such as Dismounted Reconnaissance Platoon Leader, Squadron Battle Captain, Plans Officer, and Troop Executive Officer (XO). The former “LT” is also a "Bronze Star" recipient. A skilled shooter, his passion has always been firearms and training personnel.  Isaiah has over 10 years of firearms and security experience.





NRA Certified Pistol Instructor

NRA Range Safety Officer

American Red Cross 1st Aid, CPR, AED

Combat Life Saver (CLS)

Military Instuctor/ TAC

Military RSO (Multiple Post)

Expert Rifle Shooter (Army)

Private Protective Services

Armed Security Guard (Tennessee)

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